Cory Ward is a son of the King, Husband to Joslyn, father to Joshua and David and friend to all of God's creations. Cory is the example of when our brokenness meets God's love, mercy and restorative power. The results are true restoration and awakening to one's destiny and purpose. When asked about the idea of Dear Sons and where did the inspiration come from the author's response is:
“Dear Sons has been in the making my whole life, I just didn’t realize it. God had been leaving bread crumbs this whole time, to lead me to Him, get married, have children and then the fullness of the idea to was revealed”
The author went on to say after having his own children he wanted to give his sons what his dad didn't give him, life lessons about various principles, that when a boy is left to figure out on his own, he will usually get wrong. Through the redemptive love of God Cory Ward has turned those trauma’s into his teachers, and those experiences into his expertise!